9/28 Scallop and Shrimp Burgers

Scallops were on sale today at Whole Foods, so I picked up a few. Unsure of what I would do with them I started browsing the internet. Inspired by several things, but without an actual recipe, I settled on cajun scallop and shrimp burgers. I basically modified the technique I'd used for crab cakes in the past. I threw a few of the shrimp and a scallop in my mini food-processor and made a paste of sorts. Cut up the remaining seafood into small chunks and added them to the paste along with some cajun seasoning, mayo and panko breadcrumbs. This held together reasonably well, but as you can tell came apart a bit during the cooking process. I served them as a open-face sandwich of sorts on some buttered bread with cajun mayo. Added a few slices of tomatoes and some mizuna greens along side and had myself quite a little meal. Next time, i'll have to make the whole thing hold together a bit better, but the flavors were definitely there.


Unknown said...

those tomatoes look familiar...

Woot said...

Would this not be an appropriate burger to use egg as the binder?

I guess I am uncreative and always use egg to do my dirty work.

Tom said...

i think egg could work. i went with the ground up shrimp/scallop paste in an effort to keep it lighter - plus the thought of egg and seafood doesn't really appeal to me I don't think. I'm not sure I succeeded in keeping it light, but I think another try or two and I could get it to hold together just fine.