10/01 hearty late summer spaghetti, aka, return to form

I got sick this week. And it was my birthday. And that stellar combination appears to result in statistically fewer meals cooked at home. I did manage to sneak one in - and that was Monday night. A long time ago. And I still haven't posted about it. The shame.
This is a delicious hearty spaghetti recipe filled with the goodness of late summer. It all starts with some juicy anchovies sauted with garlic and onions, whilst eggplant and peppers are roasted. A pound or so of fresh tomatoes and a handful of green and niçoise olives later, all this is simmered for half an hour or so. Served over whole wheat spaghetti and shown here with a typical amount of pecorino and parsley. Too much parsley you say? That's nonsense! More parsley equals more better.

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