
This is a summer-time staple. For all you who carefully observed my available ingredients for the week, here we use summer squash and corn, plus jalapenos, chipotle puree, white cheddar, cilantro, and Trader Joe's handmade tortillas. The black beans and creme fraiche round the whole thing out. Delish.

As a bonus, I have about 12 quesadillas prepped and ready for the cast iron skillet in the freezer. I am all about the freezer these days.

As an attempt to make up for the fact that I have not included a ROAST CHICKEN in this post, I submit to you a shot of thinly sliced summer squash, sauting with corn, jalapenos, and white wine:


Tom said...

creme fraiche with quesedillas... classy :)

Workerbot 3000 said...

I submit to you that those squash were not that thinly sliced!