10/09 Pasta with Butternut Squash

On the verge of going out to get fried chicken for dinner, I decided to fight the craving and stay home instead. After sifting through the pantry, I ended up cooking myself another recipe from Bittman's blog. For you loyal readers with an amazing memory, you'll note that this is very similar to something Heather put together almost exactly one year ago! That too was inspired by Mark, though it was a tad bit more complicated.

The recipe is relatively simple. It's just some finely chopped/grated butternut squash, cooked slowly and mixed in with pasta. Pretty straight forward, though I was mostly just intrigued by what it would taste like. Note that the food processor did a great job with the squash - something I was initially a bit concerned about. I also did make my own pasta while the "sauce" cooked, since there wasn't really much else to the recipe and I hadn't made a batch in a couple weeks.

As for the taste? Well I guess pretty much what you'd expect... It actually goes really well together and if you like butternut squash I can't imagine someone not liking this. One suggestion a reader made on Bittman's blog was that the recipe would benefit quite well from a little fresh sausage and sage. I couldn't agree more and may try this in the near future since I now have half a butternut squash left.

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