So... stuff in a jar. When you're busy, the best thing to do is to make lots of extra food and have plenty of leftovers later. Stews, soups, chilis and roasts are perfect for this. Another idea is to can things and keep them even longer - ideally a couple weeks or more. Hence stuff in a jar... Here are three examples:
2) Apple sauce. I bought a bunch of apples recently that were starting to go soft. Apple sauce is an easy way to extend their shelf life for at least a week - maybe more. This is key when you're poor and can't afford to be wasting apples left and right. Apples, water & sugar is all you need.
3) Pickles. I want to learn how to make pickles. I've tried before and kindda failed (ie taste wasn't quite right). My latest attempt is with some random recipe found online, we'll see how it works out. It's just a quick pickling which will be ready in a few days and wont keep more than a week or two when done. It think it's a step in the right direction though.
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